TDI's Nitrox Diver Course, this theory based course will certify you to dive with up to 40% Oxygen enriched air for longer and safer dives.
Until now, you have been used to breathing regular air during your dives. Now you can change your breathing mix and increase the percentage of oxygen compared to nitrogen in yo..
TDI's Nitrox Diver Course, this theory based course will certify you to dive with up to 40% Oxygen enriched air for longer and safer dives.
Until now, you have been used to breathing regular air during your dives. Now you can change your breathing mix and increase the percentage of oxygen compared to nitrogen in your air, which will greatly contribute to bottom time estimation and significantly reduce the phenomenon of nitrogen narcosis.
The Nitrox Diver course is a long theory lesson followed by an exam and certification. Once certified, you can request Nitrox tanks for diving at any dive center in Israel and around the world. We recommend that all dives deeper than 18 meters be done with Nitrox.
The Nitrox Diver course can be combined with any other diving course you take with us. Usually, dive centers will charge you an additional fee of around 20-30 shekels for each Nitrox tank. We don't charge anything! With us, you get Nitrox for free! Safety has no price.
Here is the Nitrox Diver course outline:
Theory lesson - Topics to be studied: Nitrogen, oxygen, partial pressures, Dalton's law, 40% oxygen and below, 40% oxygen and above, EAD formula, Nitrox tables, changing mixtures between dives, choosing the right mixture for the dive, advantages of oxygen in diving, disadvantages of oxygen in diving, Nitrox and decompression, Nitrox and nitrogen narcosis, using Nitrox with a dive computer. At the end of the theory lesson, you will take a final exam. Once you pass the exam, you can go to the counter and take Nitrox tanks for diving.**
The Nitrox Diver course is held every day and lasts about 3 hours. No more excuses not to do it.