Advanced Buoyancy Specialty Course, get your buoyancy up to any instructors level and significantly reduce your air intake. 6 dives, 2 days.
Perfect Buoyancy Diver Course
The Perfect Buoyancy Diver Course has a tremendous positive effect on the diver's awareness of the benefits of buoyancy control. This e..
Advanced Buoyancy Specialty Course, get your buoyancy up to any instructors level and significantly reduce your air intake. 6 dives, 2 days.
Perfect Buoyancy Diver Course
The Perfect Buoyancy Diver Course has a tremendous positive effect on the diver's awareness of the benefits of buoyancy control. This effect will enhance the diver's sense of enjoyment and his sense of accomplishment.
This Perfect Buoyancy Diver Course specialization is designed to increase the open water diver's understanding of the factors affecting his buoyancy and to train him in using the means available to him to control his buoyancy. In addition, there are also great benefits to protecting the underwater environment, as divers who are in better control of their buoyancy are better able to protect the environment. One of the great advantages of Perfect Buoyancy is the ability to take underwater photos without damaging the reef and also to get an accurate picture. Think about shooting underwater video when you are in perfect balance, everything is perfect.
We bring you the content of the Perfect Buoyancy Diver Course.
Prerequisites for the student:
- Open Water or Junior Open Water certificate.
- Minimum age of 18 years.
- Minimum age of 12 years with parental consent.
- Open water: Students must complete 6 dives with full briefing and debriefing by a dive instructor.
Perfect Buoyancy Diver Course Lesson Plans.
Why is buoyancy important? To avoid touching the underwater environment and help it survive. Less fatigue, less effort = more enjoyable diving. Reduced air consumption = longer bottom time. Buoyancy control = better photography or videography.
When should a buoyancy check be performed? When changing equipment. When the diving environment changes. After not diving for a while. During each dive.
Buoyancy factors:
- Additional equipment (camera, video camera, additional tank, dive lights, etc.).
- The weight of the tank changes during the dive, as the air comes out of it (depending on the weight of the tank).
- Use of a vest versus use of a balance. When using a vest for balance, be sure not to hold your breath and be aware of the change in depth, in order to avoid air drift.
- Use of a balance versus use of a dry suit.
- Maintaining fitness.
Breathing techniques:
- Do not take shallow breaths.
- Do not hold your breath.
- Slow down your breathing rate.
- Stay relaxed, slow and relaxed diving.
- Stress and exertion increase breathing rate.
- Suit contraction due to pressure changes buoyancy.
Weights - placement and distribution and their effects on buoyancy:
- Horizontal, facing the target - weights to the sides and abdomen.
- Head up, feet down - weights to the abdomen.
- Head slightly up, feet down - weights to the chest or move the tank.
- Legs rise - use light ankle weights, especially if using a dry suit.
- Integrated balance weight systems - advantages and disadvantages.
Equipment arrangement on the body:
- Reduce drag.
- Keep the equipment from touching the bottom.
- Efficient swimming style.
Practice of skills.
Decision on weights.
In saltwater, these instructions should be used as a starting point only and a buoyancy check should be performed to ensure that the correct weights have been selected.
- Wetsuit - 0.45 kg to 1.2 kg.
- 3mm wetsuit - 5% of body weight.
- 5mm wetsuit - 10% of body weight.
- Cold water suit with hood - 10% of body weight + 1 kg / 2.25 kg.
- Dry suit - 10% of body weight, + 3 kg / 4.5 kg.
How to perform a normal buoyancy check, with an almost empty tank:
- Put on all equipment, including a normal amount of weights.
- Enter a depth that cannot be stood at.
- Remove all air from the balance.
- Wait in a vertical and motionless position, breathing and holding the air in the lungs - in the water only.
- Adjust weights until the water reaches eye level.
- Exhale - you should sink slightly.
Perfect Buoyancy Diver Course Open Water Exercises:
- Assemble diving equipment.
- Use an almost empty tank (about 30 atmospheres).
- Pre-dive check and enter deep water that cannot be stood in.
- Pre-dive buoyancy check with an almost empty tank: adjust weights to achieve neutral buoyancy.
- Change tanks to a full tank (about 200 atmospheres).
- Pre-dive buoyancy check with a full tank.
- Controlled descent.
- Hovering and correction exercises using breath control.
- Hovering and correction exercises using a balance or dry suit.
- Bottom proximity exercises - "no touch".
- Swimming exercises.
- Ascent with safety stop while balancing in hover (simulate safety stop if the exercise is
Price Advanced Buoyancy
*₪1500.00 ₪1875.00*save up to ₪375.00